The problem
Climate change is a growing threat and farmers are on the frontline. They need to adapt to fast-changing weather patterns, while also contributing to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Finding solutions
By adopting regenerative practices, farmers can help solve the climate crisis, improve their resilience, and boost their profit margins. That’s why AgriCaptureCO2 aims to help farmers to adopt regenerative agriculture.

What is regenerative agriculture?
Regenerative agriculture is about regenerating soils to boost the natural processes which support productive and sustainable farming. As healthy soils can be carbon sinks, this can benefit both farmers and the climate!
Taking up new farming practices can be difficult and expensive, AgriCaptureCO2 wants to make it:
Easier by fostering knowledge exchange among farmers, bringing to life a Regenerative Agriculture Community (forthcoming), and developing a tailored digital farm advice service.
More profitable by developing a robust, affordable and scalable methodology for soil carbon quantification and certification so farmers can get extra income from their efforts
AgriCaptureCO2 is a project building a community, supported by making use of new technologies. We are working with farmers in 5 countries to pilot and test this approach and to develop digital solutions