Project partners
AgriCaptureCO2 is carried out by a broad consortium consisting of 14 partners from seven countries
GILab combines advanced information and communication technologies (ICT) skills and knowledge of state-of-the-art technologies in the domains of Earth Observation and GIS to develop innovative solutions in geoinformatics to improve people’s lives.
GILab is the project coordinator, as well as leader of work package 3 “DEVELOP”.
Contact person:
Bojana Obrenovic
Project Manager
One Carbon World is a not-for-profit organisation registered in the UK but working all over the world. We help businesses and organisations measure, reduce and compensate their carbon footprint, and support them through their journey to sustainability. We are a global resource partner with the United Nations Climate Neutral Now Initiative, which encourages everyone in society to take action to help achieve a climate-neutral world by mid-century, as enshrined in the Paris Agreement. As world leaders in verified carbon credit projects and nature-based solutions, our commitment to sustainability is undeniable. We are determined to play our part and provide our expertise and technical knowledge to make it easier and more profitable for farmers to adopt regenerative agriculture practices.
One Carbon World leads in promotion, uptake and commercial transition, deployment of methodology, and establishment of use case baselines. We are also highly involved in the engagement strategy.
Contact person:
Andrew Bowen
CEO of One Carbon World
Hellenic Agricultural Organization “DIMITRA” (ELGO) is the Greek National Centre for Research, Training, and Certification in Agriculture. The Institute of Olive Tree, Subtropical Crops and Viticulture (IOSV), which belongs to ELGO and located in Chania/Crete, has expertise on the physiological response of tree crops to abiotic and biotic factors and soil-water management.
ELGO leads work package 5 ‘PILOT’ for the 5 pilot case studies.
Contact person:
Nektarios Kourgialas
Head Researcher of Water Resources, Irrigation & Env. Geoinformatics Research Group of ELGO – IOSV
The EEB is Europe’s largest network of environmental citizens’ organisations. We bring together over 160 civil society organisations from more than 35 European countries. We stand for sustainable development, environmental justice & participatory democracy.
The EEB leads AgriCaptureCO2’s Work Package 2 ‘ENGAGE’ and the project’s communications. It is also in charge of assessing the EU policy context for regenerative agriculture and engaging with policy-makers and stakeholders to promote policies that facilitate the uptake of regenerative agriculture.
Contact person:
Célia Nyssens
Policy Officer for Agriculture
LEAF works to inspire and enable sustainable farming that is prosperous, enriches the environment and engages local communities. Our vision is a global farming and food system that delivers Climate Positive action, builds resilience and supports the health, diversity and enrichment of our food, farms, the environment and society. Our mission is to inspire and enable more circular approaches to farming and food systems through integrated, regenerative and vibrant nature-based solutions, that deliver productivity and prosperity among farmers, enriches the environment and positively engages young people and wider society.
LEAF is leading the engagement strategy for the project, between the project partners and our stakeholders, including farmers, land managers, businesses and policy makers. We are also involved in scoping the feasibility of a European level Regenerative Agriculture label.
Contact person:
Daisy Wood
Technical Coordinator
SatAgro is a web platform that enables individual farmers to easily implement Earth Observation (EO)-based precision agriculture techniques on their farm. The service offers up-to-date monitoring, as well as tools for optimizing fertilizer use and smart irrigation. The company also offers tailor-made EO analytics to companies in the agricultural sector.
SatAgro is involved across various parts of AgriCaptureCO2 and is responsible for a set of farmer-facing tools contributing to the Support service.
Contact person:
Przemysław Żelazowski, D.Phil.
Chief Development Officer
The Allerton Project researches the effects of different farming methods on wildlife and the environment, sharing results of our research through advisory and educational activities. Our work covers natural capital accounting, agri-environment schemes and regenerative farming systems. This is undertaken on our 320-hectare demonstration farm based in Leicestershire, United Kingdom.
GWCT will lead training and workshops that focus on training farmers in taking up regenerative agricultural practices drawing on the existing regenerative trainings held by GWCT.
Contact person:
Phil Jarvis
Head of Farming, Training & Partnerships, GWCT Allerton Project
The Agricultural University of Athens (AUA) is the 3rd oldest University in Greece. Since 1920, it has contributed consistently and continuously to the primary sector development, by conducting a third of the agricultural research in Greece. AUA’s contributions address a wide range of issues related to food quality and safety and environmental protection, organic farming, alternative energy sources, biotechnological applications in agriculture, information and communication technologies.
The AUA team will contribute to the project through its academical and technical expertise. Particularly to estimate the effect of various regenerative practices on soil carbon sequestration, by identifying and testing existing models.
Contact person:
Nicoleta Darra
Research Associate
Planet Labs GmbH (Planet), located in Berlin, is a vertically integrated aerospace and data analytics company that operates the world’s largest fleet of Earth-imaging satellites. Founded in 2010 by three NASA scientists, Planet is driven by a mission to image the entire Earth every day, and make global change visible, accessible, and actionable. Planet has designed and built over 300 satellites, with approximately 150 satellites currently operating across three distinct constellations – including the largest sub-meter constellation in the world.
Planet will be responsible for ‘data product validation’, relying on 3m Planet Fusion data to document the status of agricultural fields and monitor changes over time. This will complement Sentinel-2 data and will also be used for validation purposes. Planet will also support stakeholder engagement, uptake and outreach through their network.
Contact person:
Annett Wania
Innovation Project Manager at Planet Labs GmbH
Envirometrix is an innovation company with limited liability registered in the Netherlands. Our core expertise includes data production and publication, web-services, system design and optimization, and consultancy. We cover scientific fields including Soil Carbon modelling, mapping and monitoring. Land degradation and restoration, scoping and design; Machine learning and High-Performance Computing for spatial prediction; Customised Web Solutions for hosting and distributing Massive Spatial Data set.
Envirometrix leads on the work related to ‘Earth Observation data products’ and will contribute to several other tasks related to data provision, management and use.
Contact person:
Tomislav Hengl
Technical Director/Co-Founder
Duncan Farrington is a fourth-generation farmer and founder of Farrington’s Mellow Yellow in Northamptonshire, England. Passionate about the health and culinary benefits of rapeseed oil, he became the UK’s first seed-to-bottle producer of cold pressed rapeseed oil in 2005. He is a LEAF demonstration farmer committed to sustainable farming and has been monitoring the carbon sequestered in his soil for almost 20 years. At the beginning of 2020, Farrington Oils became the world’s first food business to be certified both carbon and plastic neutral.
Farrington Oils will contribute to the project as a pilot use case (under work package 5) with experience of regenerative agriculture and documented soil sequestration. They will also help deliver engagement with farmers, businesses and other stakeholders.
Contact person:
Duncan Farrington
Farmer and founder of Farrington’s Mellow Yellow Cold-pressed Rapeseed Oil
Lancashire has 1.4 million inhabitants and covers 3,000 km2 in North West England. Lancashire County Council and the 12 district and 2 unitary councils exist to serve everyone who lives or works in Lancashire, helping people to be healthy, happy and enjoy a good quality of life. The County Council, district and unitary councils have committed to carbon neutrality for Lancashire. This will be achieved through research into pathways to reduce carbon to net zero, the preparation of a Greater Lancashire Plan, and by investigating the opportunities to apply the principals of regenerative agriculture to the management of land in public ownership in a manner that will enhance longer-term carbon capture.
Lancashire County Council leads the Lancashire use case in package 5 ‘PILOT’ on behalf of the 12 district and 2 unitary authorities in Lancashire.
Contact person:
Nik Bruce
The Association of farmers is a non-profit organisation founded in 2010 with the aim to provide its members with various means of support in terms of training and knowledge, comprehensive and timely information, communication, etc. The Association currently has 1200 members and the number is constantly increasing. The average area per holding is 30 ha. The Association is supported by the Serbian Ministry of Agriculture, the Provincial Secretariat for Agriculture of Vojvodina Province and the Municipality of Ruma.
The Association is managing one of the AgriCaptureCO2 pilot use cases.
Contact person:
Ugljesa Trkulja
Arthur’s Legal, founded in 2001, is a leading global tech law firm by design with headquarters in Amsterdam, and with partnerships in every member state of the European Union, and a global practice. It consists of attorneys at law, strategy, ethics and policy experts, and frequent speakers worldwide in the domains of digital, human-centric, data-supported and sustainable ecosystems of ecosystems.
In this project AL will be leading the activities on data governance, on ethical and legal aspects (including IP) focusing on issues such as data classification data management and data strategies. AL will, also, support the project’s work regarding certification, business planning and sustainability.